Danau Sentani Festival 2011

 Regent of Jayapura, Papua Province, Abel Melkias Suwae, S.Sos.MM, said the party culture of the Lake Sentani Festival (FDS) is a container adhesive ethnic unity. "This festival is one of the means or media to build up unity among ethnic groups in Papua in general and the Jayapura District in particular," said Regent Jayapura Melkias Suwae Abel, S.Sos.MM, in Sentani, Saturday. He explained, the FDS was also given space to the entire community in this province of Indonesia tertimur to display their traditional culture.
It is said, the party culture of the Papuan people that started since 2008 is named the Lake Sentani Festival, but followed all of the people as the archipelago. With all the community involvement in the implementation of FDS all citizens across this country that exist in Papua learning about each other, knowing each other, understand each other as well as differences. Abel acknowledged Melkias Suwae, mutual learning and understanding the differences is very important because that's where grown together so that the unity and integrity is maintained in a single union within the framework of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia (NKRI).
"We are in the province of the race milanesia tertimur is slightly different from our brothers in Indonesia, Central, and West, of the Malay race, for that unity must be nurtured and fostered continued through various media," said regent who is famous for its father of this empowerment. Thus, the assumption that inhabit this land not only people of Papua, but also there are brothers and sisters from outside have come together in the successful development of this Indonesia east state.

Lake Sentani Festival has become an annual calendar of tourism in Papua, which was held for five days every year on June 19 to 23, in Khalkote Tourism Region, Eastern District of Sentani. For the implementation of the Lake Sentani Festival 4th just two days away,   Today is Saturday (18 / 6) held rallies Nusantara FDS coloring that began at 10:00 CET with the star point of Regents Office in Jayapura Sentani Red Mount PTC Entrop finish in the field, Jayapura. The parade will be followed by all the community that exist in the District / City of Jayapura

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Created by Raja Ampat