Danau Sentani Festival 2011

 Regent of Jayapura, Papua Province, Abel Melkias Suwae, S.Sos.MM, said the party culture of the Lake Sentani Festival (FDS) is a container adhesive ethnic unity. "This festival is one of the means or media to build up unity among ethnic groups in Papua in general and the Jayapura District in particular," said Regent Jayapura Melkias Suwae Abel, S.Sos.MM, in Sentani, Saturday. He explained, the FDS was also given space to the entire community in this province of Indonesia tertimur to display their traditional culture.
It is said, the party culture of the Papuan people that started since 2008 is named the Lake Sentani Festival, but followed all of the people as the archipelago. With all the community involvement in the implementation of FDS all citizens across this country that exist in Papua learning about each other, knowing each other, understand each other as well as differences. Abel acknowledged Melkias Suwae, mutual learning and understanding the differences is very important because that's where grown together so that the unity and integrity is maintained in a single union within the framework of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia (NKRI).
"We are in the province of the race milanesia tertimur is slightly different from our brothers in Indonesia, Central, and West, of the Malay race, for that unity must be nurtured and fostered continued through various media," said regent who is famous for its father of this empowerment. Thus, the assumption that inhabit this land not only people of Papua, but also there are brothers and sisters from outside have come together in the successful development of this Indonesia east state.

Lake Sentani Festival has become an annual calendar of tourism in Papua, which was held for five days every year on June 19 to 23, in Khalkote Tourism Region, Eastern District of Sentani. For the implementation of the Lake Sentani Festival 4th just two days away,   Today is Saturday (18 / 6) held rallies Nusantara FDS coloring that began at 10:00 CET with the star point of Regents Office in Jayapura Sentani Red Mount PTC Entrop finish in the field, Jayapura. The parade will be followed by all the community that exist in the District / City of Jayapura
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Diving at Raja Ampat

Dive sites in Raja Ampat Island are mostly situated near Waiwo, about 10 minutes away by speedboat from Waisai, The Raja Ampat Regency City, which consists of:
  • Kri Island: Kri has several sites and Cape Kri is one of the area with most fishes. The fish numbers and variety are truly amazing. The site is current dependent. Generally it's a steep slope with beautiful coral growth, lots of reef and schooling fishes, including the giant Queensland Grouper.
  • Sardine Reef: Sardine Reef has really giant clams at 10m (33ft) but it's all about non-stop fishes here. There's a resident school of bumphead parrotfish in the shallows, colorful soft corals and plenty of critters.
  • The Passage: This is a drift dive through a narrow channel near Waigeo. Look for archerfish among the mangroves, orange cup corals, seahorses, and percula clownfish.
  • Fam Island: Several sites near Fam have stunning coral growth. Sponges and soft corals add color and fishes keep it going. Sites include walls, sloping reefs, and muddy bays.
  • Misool: Misool is awash in fish life and huge sea fans. Caverns and boulders mark several sites. The schooling fishes seem endless and pygmy seahorses live in less than 10m (33ft). Some sites are current dependent.
  • Kaboei Bay Rock Islands: The bay is a labyrinth of rock islands. Visibility isn't great but this is a great place for macro and finding odd nudibranches, mollusks and the pictured dragonet. Bat caves and skeletons are found on some of the islands.
Dive Site's Glances provide information, such as:
  • Reef type: Vertical walls, Lagoon channels, caves, platform reefs, etc.
  • Access: By boat from base camps.
  • Visibility: Very good, 20-45 meters.
  • Current: Moderate, excellent for drift diving.
  • Coral: Excellent, abundant and diverse.
  • Fish: Variety & abundance guaranteed.
  • Highlights: Snorkeling with dolphins near the Wai base camp (5m); White-tip sharks under P47B wing;
  • Finding new wrecks untouched/complete.
Coral reef ecosystems is the potential for coastal and marine resources which are prominent in the Raja Ampat Archipelago, especially around the small group of islands.
The Archipelago is located in the 'Coral Triangle' which in the 'heart' of diversity of coral reefs of the world with all the associated biota within, such as various types of reef fish, mollusks and crustaceans.
There are about 540 species of hard coral, including 13 endemic species (about 75% of coral species in the world), and more than 1070 species of reef fish and 60 species of crayfish.
Plus 699 softbone species of animal (species of mollusks) which consists of 530 snails (Gastropoda), 159 shellfish (Bivalva), 2 Ccaphoda, 5 squid (Cephalopoda), and 3 Chiton, made Raja Ampat archipelago as small island region with tremendous marine biodiversity and the high productivity of fisheries of a high economic value
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Raja Ampat, Marine Tourism Best in the World

Raja Ampat in West Papua's remote location. This area stores a million beauty beneath the sea. Raja Ampat Marine tourism is recognized as one of the 10 best dive tourism in the world. Enchantment under the sea and natural wealth, the mainstay of the Raja Ampat regency through competitive world of tourism in Indonesia and the world. This area is known as a center for tropical natural resources of the world's richest.
"We want to introduce to the world of Raja Ampat. Raja Ampat Marine tourism has the potential and the chance to become a major world stage," said Marcus Wanma Raja Ampat regent during the opening of the Raja Ampat Tourist Information Centre on Jl By Pass Sanur, Denpasar, on Thursday (156 / 4 / 2010).
To introduce to the world, Raja Ampat to open call center in Bali. The reason, Bali as the main destinations of foreign tourists to Indonesia. "Through our Bali and invite investors to introduce the world to the Raja Ampat," Marcus said. Raja Ampat is a new district in Indonesia. Located in remote regions of West Papua is only seven years old. In fact, infrastructure is inadequate. To reach the Raja Ampat, travelers must fly to Sorong and then along the sea as far as 71 km to arrive in Raja Ampat. Although still an early age, Raja Ampat foreign tourists can suck as much as 5 thousand people per year in 2009. The target, tourist arrivals reached 6 thousand in the year 2010
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Raja Ampat Tourism

Raja Ampat Tourism Entrance Fee Information For Tourists
Why do I have to pay a fee to enter Raja Ampat? Raja Ampat is blessed with some of the highest marine biodiversity and healthiest coral reefs in the world. In order to protect this unique biodiversity, Raja Ampat has 7 nationally mandated and locally managed marine protected areas (MPAs). As with any park or reserve, conservation and tourism management costs money, and the Raja Ampat government is adopting a tool commonly used throughout the world for financing protected areas management – entrance fees.
Moreover, the villagers in Raja Ampat have traditional marine tenure rights over all of the reefs and are entitled to seek compensation from users of their reefs. In an effort to harmonize these various needs and avoid a very complex set of fees for tourism use of individual reefs, the Raja Ampat government and local communities have agreed to a centrally-collected single entrance fee of Rp 500,000/person/year (approximately US$55) for international visitors and Rp 250,000/person/year for Indonesian visitors.

Where do I purchase my Entrance Tag?
First check with your dive operator to see they have pre-purchased a tag for you. If not, the Raja Ampat entrance fee management team has established a booth at the Sorong Airport where arriving guests can directly purchase their tags. At this time, payment must be in rupiah, though we will endeavor to expand this to at least US$ and Euro in the future. In this case, the guest buys the tag and the receipts are filled in with the following information: guest name, country of origin, tag number, passport number, and email address (optional if the guest would like to receive further information about Raja Ampat conservation efforts). To ensure accountability the guest receives their copy of the 2 receipts, the accompanying dive operator representative (if present) receives their copy, and the management team’s copy is directly entered into the guest database.
How was the fee set?
Raja Ampat is huge, covering nearly 50,000 sq km, with a population of 32,000 spread over 92 villages and sub-villages. Managing such a large and diverse area is costly. Providing direct benefits to each of the 88 remote villages is especially costly, particularly given the relatively low number of tourists visiting Raja Ampat. In trying to convince the government and villages to prioritize eco-friendly tourism development over lucrative but environmentally-damaging sectors such as mining and forestry, it is important that they see real benefits from tourism. The result is that the single overall fee is significant (Rp 500,000), but we believe this is a small price to pay to encourage the stewardship and protection of the most biodiverse reefs on earth. Note that the fee system actually only contributes a small part of the overall conservation and management costs of Raja Ampat’s MPA system.

Why do I have to pay for a 1 year tag even if I’m only visiting for a few days?
There is a growing consensus among MPA managers that the annual waterproof tag system is the most efficient, robust and convenient method of collecting entry fees, avoiding the significant hassle and enforcement issues that arise with daily fees – especially in large-scale MPAs where guests do not pass through a central entrance gate on a daily basis.

Why was I given 2 receipts when I purchased my tag?
The fee has two main components: a governmental tourism management fee of Rp 150,000 and a conservation and community development fee of Rp 350,000. In order to ensure transparency and make it very clear where the money goes, each guest will receive two receipts, one for each fund.

Who manages the revenues from the fee system?
The Raja Ampat tourism entrance fee is managed by a multi-stakeholder team that is comprised of local community leaders, Raja Ampat govt. officials (from the departments of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Tourism, and Health) local and international conservation NGOs (CI, TNC, and the Papuan Turtle Conservation Foundation), and a rep. of the private marine tourism sector.
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